New York Correspondent: Muslims living in the United States will celebrate Eid on Friday. After receiving news of the moon sighting in Saudi Arabia, the decision was taken from most mosques in the country. This means that the Muslims of the United States celebrate the fasting day of 29 days.
After six hours of watching the moon in the Saudi Arabia, the moon and moon in the United States and Canada can be seen. According to the data obtained from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Boston, Virginia, Maryland, Michigan, Florida, Georgia, California, Minnesota, Arizona, Texas and Washington DC, according to the data, after receiving the news of moon sighting in Saudi Arabia, in these states, Eidul Fitr Decisions have been issued for the prayers.
Several years ago the Eid was celebrated in the United States for more than one day. But now that divide does not exist anymore. New York’s main Eid Jamaat will be Jamaica Muslim Center, Bangladesh Muslim Center, Al Amin Jame Mosque, Al Aman Jame Mosque and Baitul Jannah Jami Mosque.
Eid celebrated today in United States