Staff Reporter: The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) unanimously adopted Bangladesh’s flagship resolution on the ‘Culture of Peace’, on Thursday (December 9) . The Permanent Representative (PR) of Bangladesh to …
Staff Reporter: The U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Ambassador Kelly Keiderling has said that her country greatly values its partnerships with Bangladesh and India and the two countries will …
Staff Reporter: The international community must make genuine efforts to address the root causes of the Palestinian crisis, and put an end to the Israeli aggression. We must ensure Israel’s …
Staff Reporter: The United Nations has approved the recommendation of Bangladesh to cross over from the least developed countries. Bangladesh is the only country that has met all the three …
Staff Reporter: The United States has praised the peacekeeping and humanitarian activities of the Bangladesh Army. Attending the 50th Armed Forces Day celebrations at the Bangabandhu Auditorium of the US …
Staff Reporter: The adoption of the Rohingya resolution, for the first time by consensus, demonstrates the international community’s strong resolve to end this crisis, said Ambassador Rabab Fatima, Permanent Representative …
- Bangladesh
Billion of peoples Livelihood change is possible through the undiscovered resources of sea
Staff Reporter: The vast and unexplored resource frontiers of the oceans have the potentials to bring transformative changes to the lives and livelihoods of more than one billion people in …
Staff Reporter: Addressing root causes of conflicts is critical for breaking the cycle of recurring violence said Ambassador Rabab Fatima, Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations at the …
Staff Reporter: Effective counter-terrorism requires political will and timely action. “Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s determination, unwavering commitment and timely action have helped us to launch a social movement to fight …