Home » Barack Obama infected corona after took booster dose

Barack Obama infected corona after took booster dose

by BanglaPress Desk

Staff Reporter: Former United States President Barack Obama has contracted the coronavirus after receiving a booster dose with a vaccine. However, no signs of Omicron were found in his body. The first black former president said this in a message on his Twitter last Sunday. He said in a tweet that his throat had been sore for some time. But he also said he was fine. However, he said that his wife Michelle Obama is free from infection.
Between Delta and Omicron variants, it’s hard to find someone who hasn’t caught Covid-19 yet. Among the latest public figures to reveal they were infected is former President Barack Obama.
“I just tested positive for COVID,” the 44th United States President announced on Twitter Sunday afternoon. “I’ve had a scratchy throat for a couple days, but am feeling fine otherwise.”
He reveals in the same tweet that he and former First Lady Michelle Obama are vaccinated and boosted, however the Mrs. Obama has tested negative.
“It’s a good reminder that, even as cases go down, you should get vaccinated and boosted if you haven’t already to help prevent more serious symptoms and giving COVID to others,” he added in the tweet, to resounding support among his Twitter followers for a speedy recovery.
President Obama’s case of Covid-19 could be considered a breakthrough infection given that he is vaccinated and boosted. Generally these types of infections aren’t a cause for major concern, Men’s Health previously reported. These types of infections tend to be less contagious to others and present with fewer symptoms, if any at all.
“When we see these breakthrough infections, the vast majority of these breakthrough infections have no symptoms at all, so they’re not even clinically significant,” Dr. Amesh Adalja, senior scholar at the Center for Health Security at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, previously told Men’s Health. “If you’re fully vaccinated, and if you have no other medical issues, not only would I not worry about breakthrough infections.”


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