New York Correspondent: The United Nations special envoy to Myanmar, Christine Sharaner Berger, is going to visit Bangladesh and Myanmar on Tuesday. This is the first time he will visit Myanmar. From there he will travel to Bangladesh to visit the United Nations on Monday.
Christine Sharner burger recruited burger on 26 April UN Secretary-General During the visit Berger is expected to discuss detailed information with leaders of ethnic armed organizations and civil society organizations in addition to Myanmar authorities. Besides, he will hold discussions with religious leaders and diplomats about the situation in the Rakhine state, peace process, democratization and human rights issues.
The United Nations has said that after the visit to Myanmar, the UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy has planned to visit various countries of this region including Bangladesh.
After taking office on May 16, Berger visited the New York and Geneva for contacting senior officials and interested members and international NGOs, including the United Nations Mahasachi.
UN special envoy Christine visits Bangladesh and Myanmar