Home » Reorganization of DU Alumni Association by members, after rejecting incomplete and corrupted voter list by committee

Reorganization of DU Alumni Association by members, after rejecting incomplete and corrupted voter list by committee

by BanglaPress Desk

Chhabed Sathee: There have been allegations of irregularities, arbitrariness and abuse of power in the former committee of the Dhaka University Alumni Association of New England (DUAANE) in Boston, Massachusetts. A self-interested group is trying hard to keep Duaane, the former student council of Dhaka University, under their control by creating biased and fake voter lists. There are many rumors about this among Bangladeshi expatriates in Boston.
Two former Presidents of Dhaka University Alumni Association of New England (Duaane) Monir Saji and Simon Sabir called the DU alumani in the area to participate in a zoom meeting next Sunday (November 20) at 5 pm to reorganize the Association. They are thanking Dr. Abdul Hakim and his committee for giving their time to the organization as unpaid (volunteers), regardless of their failure to make a free and fair voter list.
Dr. Hakim once filed a case for harassing Monir Saji and Simon Sabir and three other prominent members in the area. Simon Sabir also sued back Dr. Hakim to stop the harassment. The court dismissed the suit for technical error. However, the court has kept open the way to file a new case, by correcting the technical error. At the same time, the court directed to settle the differences through the arbitration committee as per the constitution. Since the former president Hakim did not even try to form any arbitration committee, the alumni in the area are trying to reorganize the organization, they said.
They said that there is no other option but to reorganize the organization, because none of the active members of the organization accept the incomplete and corrupt voter list prepared by Dr. Hakim’s commitee. Dr. Hakim’s corrupt voter list was the main weapon that destroyed Association), as it was.
Therefore, they demanded the formation of a universal and impartial committee by making a new and complete voter list that includes all interested alumni in the area.
It is known that various irregularities, arbitrariness and abuse of power, in an attempt to have an election, have reached the court. Former president Dr. Abdul Hakim twice falsely claimed to have won the court case. But the court never issued a verdict. He could not even give any acceptable answer to the ordinary members in the face-to-face discussion.
Dr. Abdul Hakim has been accused of extreme irregularities and arbitrariness in making the voter list. It has been alleged that he has artificially included people of his choice in the voter list. On the other hand, the applicants sent by Simon Sabir were plagued with various questions. In the end 58 applicants were listed as ineligible to vote.
In the complaint, it is said that he has very cleverly registered new voters behind doors even after the scheduled deadline of November 15, 2021, which is not acceptable. He published a sweetened up the voter list by end of December 2021, which was incomplete and corrupt, and his term also ended by then. Therefore, by participating in the zoom meeting on next Sunday (November 20) at 5 pm, the general members will reorganizing the Association and start with a breath of fresh air.
It should be noted that in 2011, a committee of the organization named Dhaka University Alumni Association of New England (Duaane) was formed in.




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